Sunday, 2 March 2014

EPIC STORY "Bedrock bottom"

Hey people, it's us again posting a new story hope you enjoy!

Bedrock Bottom
“Steve has joined the game is the text that always reads when he respawns and for the record he dies so many times you wouldn’t possibly be able to count. Anyway this is a tale about him so enough chatting and let’s get on with it.”

Steve spawned once again, with a sick feeling that he wasn’t going to get his loot back. Still feeling sick Steve stood up and strolled over to a tree. Wood fell into his inventory as he punched the tree with his bare hands and with one clean swipe he converted the birch logs into planks. And from planks to pickaxes Steve made some wooden tools to go and mine for ore and stone.

After mining a few stacks of stone, Steve converted some into a stone pickaxe before jumping back into his mine shaft to mine the ores that he once couldn’t.

The shaft was dark but Steve pushed on to get to his crafting table. Monsters jumped out nooks and crannies but Steve owned them all. Finally he got back to the surface and to his crafting table where he turned his iron into an iron pickaxe before falling back into his shaft for the final time to retrieve the shining diamonds.

Once Steve had mined the diamonds he headed back, but to his surprise the shaft was infested with more monsters than he had ever seen, all of them charging to grasp the diamonds in their hand. But Steve had learned from all the times of being killed and was now more powerful than ever. He ran across the wall beheading creatures with his iron sword, suddenly spiders pelted out of hole but Steve was prepared and with a leap he killed every last one.

Finally he reached the surface and without taking a breath Steve turned his diamonds into a pickaxe as well as a sword and without waiting any longer he mined and mined to the centre of the blocky world.

Steve mined the final block before bedrock but to his surprise when he mined the final block he suddenly fell in to a vast open space. Although it was two blocks high the space was wide and large but only a few blocks away there was a staircase leading to an obsidian throne. And sitting on the throne was Herobrine, his white eyes glowing the blocks ahead of him. “Hello Stevie” said Herobrine in an eerie childish voice, “I see you’ve come to play.”
“Not play, but slay,” replied Steve.
“Well if that’s what you want do, I’ll tidy my toys and bring out my sword,” said Herobrine as he magically brought out a sword from behind his back. Suddenly Herobrine leaped at Steve but instead of pounding on Steve he instead pounded on the bedrock causing cracks to facture the ground and making blocks fall into the never ending void. Structures collapsed as Steve charged into Herobrine, but Herobrine was fast, faster than lighting, he dodged out of the way before landing behind Steve. “Can’t catch me!” he said in the same creepy voice. Steve turned round to find Herobrine shooting arrows at him, he twirled and jumped to dodge the arrows when suddenly time stopped and Steve felt like a god, but before the moment ended he hit an arrow back to the white eyed creature. The arrow hit Herobrine in the leg causing him to lose balance. He flapped his arms but it was no use and with a final blow Steve kicked him into the void. Herobrine’s arms stretched to grab the platform but it was too late and he was gone.

“Now you may be wondering what happened to Steve and you’d be pleased to know he carried on living his life in peace and what happened to Herobrine is what you won’t expect. He survived and how do I know that. Because I’m am Herobrine and I’ll be coming”

Did you enjoy it? Hope you did nd with that we're signing out.

Good Bye!

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